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Stephanie essenfeld


Psychotherapist | Relationship & boundaries expert | Internacional Speaker | Transformational online programs

Stephanie Essenfeld has become one of the most influential experts in Miami and Latin America in the field of establishing healthy boundaries in all relationships, making her unique in her category and an excellent ally for any company.

She is the founder of "Más Paz Mental," which consists of two online programs, each spanning 7 and 8 weeks. Stephanie is a passionate advocate for helping more people live a life filled with peace of mind, no matter their environment.

Her courses, retreats, and conferences have profoundly impacted over 5,000 participants, with many expressing significant transformation and experiencing a clear before and after in their lives. Her programs have earned a place among the top 1% of best-selling courses on the Thinkific platform. 

Stephanie uses strategic examples and personal stories in her teaching style to help her audience identify with the material and take positive action in their daily lives. The tools she teaches are backed by research with evidence of real and lasting impact, such as dialectical behavior therapy, solution-focused therapy, and the Gottman Institute's method.

Stephanie has achieved impressive accomplishments and remains approachable, empathetic, and caring, driven by her purpose of sharing the tools that transformed her own life.


Through her conferences, she is now able to reach even more people and bring greater well-being to companies seeking these invaluable tools for their collaborators. With her unwavering dedication, Stephanie continues to make a profound difference in the lives of countless individuals and organizations, fostering a world of healthier relationships and more peace. 

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Stephanie Essenfeld | Speaker
Más Paz Mental

Stephanie Essenfeld | Speaker


The power of Boundaries

"Establishing boundaries is love, and it is done for love and with love, towards yourself, towards the other and towards the relationship itself". -Stephanie Essenfeld-

Healthy Boundaries:
Learn what boundaries are, the different types of boundaries that exist, and how to establish them
using tools that allow for a fulfilling and balanced work life in conjunction with personal well-being. These include physical, emotional, time, material, sexual, intellectual, and expectation boundaries. 

Assertive Communication:
Learn how to handle uncomfortable conversations through active listening, understanding the role of the ego, and utilizing the formula for assertive communication to successfully navigate day-to-day tasks. The comparison between listening from the ego and listening from consciousness will be explored, emphasizing the importance of focused listening and avoiding the urge to formulate a response while the other person is speaking.


Limiting Beliefs:
This topic focuses on identifying and transforming beliefs that limit an individual's potential for delivering results and personal growth. Limiting beliefs such as "I'm not intelligent enough," "My ideas aren't good," "I don't speak well in public," or "I don't speak English well" will be addressed and transformed to unlock one's true potential.

Passivity vs. Proactivity:
Understand the distinction between an attitude that delegates responsibility to others and one that takes initiative to make things happen. Participants will learn how to assume responsibility for their actions and adopt a proactive approach that empowers them to achieve their goals.


"Thanks a thousand times for these spaces that enrich and empower us to become better leaders of ourselves and the teams we accompany!"


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